Wednesday Bible Study Header

Mid-week Bible studies for all ages have begun for the winter/spring semester.  However, it is not too late to join us!  Come any Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.!   For the winter semester, we have three small group studies available on-campus for adults with one men's study and two options for women.  These groups are in addition to the ongoing youth and kids Bible studies at the same time.  There is something for all ages!


GentleLowly2025.jpgFacilitated by William Foxx and Grady Smith
Gym Building, Room 4

Have you ever felt that God is disappointed in you?  While we rightly focus on God's holiness and how Jesus bore the wrath of God we deserved, we can at times lose focus on how Jesus feels toward His redeemed people.  This book will take us to Matthew 11, where Jesus describes Himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find their rest in Him.  We will see how the gospel flows from God’s deepest heart for His people, a heart of tender love for the sinful and suffering.   Come find encouragement to pursue Christ as we use this book to help us study and discuss God's Word together.  In addition, each week we will take time to pray for one another as we seek to build deep community with one another.


GospelHouseKey2025.jpgFacilitated by Jenn Hand
Gym Building, Room 1

Rosaria Butterfield was an "unlikely convert" in her own words.  What did God use to draw her to Himself?  God used an invitation to dinner in a modest home, from a humble couple who lived out the gospel daily, simply, and authentically.  With this story of her conversion as a backdrop, Rosaria Butterfield invites us into her home to show us how God can use this same “radical, ordinary hospitality” to bring the gospel to our lost friends and neighbors.  Come find encouragement of how God wants to use you for His purposes. 


Facilitated by Karen Fowler
Gym Building, Room 2

Leviticus2025.jpg Leviticus, really? Who studies Leviticus? This winter we will continue our study through this book. Even if you were not with us for the fall semester, it is not too late to jump in! Leviticus has more for us to learn than many realize.  You see, Leviticus is the heart of the Torah in which God teaches His people about holiness.  They also learn that God wants them to be different from their neighbors so that they will want to know Him too.  Peter, Paul, and Jesus regard Scripture in Leviticus important enough to quote in the New Testament.  Its message is worthy for us to study today. Ladies, come discover the depth of Leviticus and be fascinated to see its significance in the New Testament as well.  We will utilize a video series from James Michael Smith for our teaching time. He not only teaches the Old Testament, he also shows how it makes the New Testament sparkle when Scriptural, historical, and cultural context brings it to life!  In addition to the video teaching, we will have a lot of time to search the Scriptures and discuss them together each week in our group.  We will provide each of you with a copy of the ESV Leviticus Scripture journal to help you as you study this book with us.