
Men, join Pastor Grady on Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. for a new men's small group and book study! 

We will be discussing Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney.  What are spiritual disciplines?  They are the practices we see in Scripture that help us grow in our relationship with God.  They are practices that put us in His paths of grace that transform and change us.  In this book, Don Whitney helps us understand what the disciplines are, the Scriptural basis of each, and how to practically apply them to our daily lives.  He also shows the beauty of pursuing them, not in a legalistic way, but rather in a joyous way to finding true freedom and liberty in knowing God.

We each will read on our own during the week just one chapter of the book.  When we gather together, we will talk about the key ideas, obstacles in our way to practicing those disciplines, and how we can grow in our practice of them.  We also will take time to pray for one another each week.  It will be an encouraging time together!

We will meet on Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. in the gym building room 1.  Books will be available for you at our first meeting.  You do not need to register, just come on Wednesday evening.