For the past 25 years, Operation Christmas Child (OCC) has collected shoe boxes filled with gifts and delivered them to children all around the world. Each box is an opportunity for a boy or girl to experience the love of God in a tangible way to hear the Gospel. The boxes are strategically sent to places where less than 2% of the population is Christian. However, the ministry of OCC does not stop with giving out the boxes. Their ministry is built around the emphases of evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication. Practically, this means that boys and girls who receive shoeboxes are given the opportunity to enroll in a follow-up discipleship program known as "The Greatest Journey." There they learn what it means to follow Christ and share Him with others. The door to that amazing opportunity is the simple gift of the shoebox. To learn more about the global impact of OCC and how it is used for incredible ministry opportunities, click here to watch a brief overview video.
Will you prayerfully consider joining us in this exciting ministry this year? Our desire is to send 100 boxes this year! Get your whole family or several friends involved in packing a box together!
We have shoeboxes available at Gateway beginning this Sunday if you would like to begin buying items to fill your boxes now. Please remember not to pack food, candy, liquids, money, or anything breakable.
Shoeboxes are due back at Gateway by Sunday, November 18.
If you have any questions please contact Steve or Audrey Gillis or call the church office.