This Sunday, September 30
A Word from Pastor Grady....

Gateway family,

I am so excited about our gathering this Sunday!  I want to let you know more about it....

EPHESIANS 4:17-24 - Is change really possible?

We have seen much in recent weeks about what it means to "walk worthy" of our calling as followers of Christ. Paul has reminded us of the profound difference there should be in our lives.  However, that can raise the question, "Is change really possible?"  In a profound text, this week we will see how true transformation (putting off sin and putting on holiness) is possible for a follower of Christ.



We will close the service with communion.  It is such a special time in the life of the body as we respond in worship and thankfulness for our salvation and all that God has done for us.  It is very fitting to celebrate it as we reflect on the recent messages from Ephesians about us together being the body of Christ.



There is no Kids Worship this week.  Why?  It's by design!  Any month where we have 5 Sundays, we cancel kids worship and bring the elementary age kids back into the whole service with us.  It gives them the opportunity to experience an entire worship service with their family.  It also gives them the opportunity to observe communion, and for those who are followers of Christ already, to participate in it as well.  Everyone, help us welcome the children in the service this week.  Would you make it a point to greet a child you don't know this week?  Parents, I hope you'll read ahead on our text for Sunday and be ready to talk to your kids about it and about communion.   I believe it can be a great teaching moment in their lives!



Audrey Gillis did an amazing job last weekend casting the vision for our involvement in this ministry that leads to so many evangelism and discipleship opportunities all around the world!  To read more about it, or to see the video we showed two weeks ago, visit our Operation Christmas Child blog post.  I am thrilled to let you know that all the boxes we had were picked up!  We have more boxes that will be available this Sunday just outside the church office.  Pick one up this Sunday!


Please be in prayer for yourself and all of us in the Gateway family as we prepare our hearts for our weekly corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning! 

As always, I hope you will consider coming early
     at 8 a.m. for a time of corporate prayer    and
     at 9 a.m. for a Sunday Bible Study class.

Have a great weekend!
