Gateway family,
I am so enjoying our journey together through Ephesians. I hope you are as well!
We are in the middle of some very challenging texts as we look at how our lives should be different because of our identity in Christ. If you missed any of the messages or want to review something, click the links below to access the audio...
Ephesians 4:17-24
How to put off sin and put on righteousness
Ephesians 4:25
Put off falsehood and put on gracious truth telling
Ephesians 4:26-27
Put off sinful anger and put on righteous anger, patience, or forgiveness
If you are part of a Life Group, I hope you already have had good discussions on these messages and how we apply the "put off - put on" approach to our daily lives.
Click here to download the discussion questions!.
I hope they will help you reflect on the truths we have been seeing as well as apply them to your daily life. The document has the lists of common ways we struggle with these sins. Let me encourage you to think about these questions with your family or friends!
If you are not in a Life Group, I really want to encourage you to visit one this week! They are such a great place to go deeper in God's word, prayer, fellowship, and build community.
There are some amazing resources to help us grow in the areas we have been discussing lately! We have several of them as new arrivals in the resource center at Gateway...

DECEPTION: Letting Go of Lying (32 Page Booklet)
This short booklet is an easy read to help us identify ways we practice falsehood but may not even be aware. It has several biblical steps we can take to put off falsehood and put on truth telling.
ANGER: Escaping the Maze (28 Page Booklet)
This short booklet also is an easy read to help us identify anger in our lives and see what we should put on in it's place. I have given it to many people over the years and have seen many people grow through it.
There are also full length books available to help you grow in these topics:
Good & Angry - A full length book that goes deeper into the topic of the booklet above.
Triggers - Written for parents, it helps us learn hot to put off sinful anger toward our children.
The Heart of Anger - Written for parents, it helps us learn how to shepherd our children and help them grow when we see sinful anger in their lives.
The Peacemaker - It is by far the best resource I have found on how we learn to live peaceably with those around us. It shows how we tend to be either peace-breakers or peace-fakers, and then guides us through a biblical approach to understanding how to relate in a peaceful way with others.
Pick up a copy of any of those resources any time the church office is open or when you are here this Wednesday or Sunday!
Lord willing, this Sunday we will look at Ephesians 4:28 which speaks to how we work and why.
~ Grady