God is working in Capitol Heights Middle School (CHMS) and he is inviting Gateway Baptist Church to join Him. Through Gateway’s ministry at CHMS, new doors are opening. As we have been faithful with the small things, the Lord is entrusting us with greater opportunities to glorify him.
Last month, through your generous support and efforts, Gateway was able to provide breakfast for 60 administrators and teachers on one of their in-service days. As the teachers enjoyed breakfast, many of us had the opportunity to visit with the teachers, encourage them in their vital work, hear their hearts, learn about the obstacles they face, and dream about how Gateway may be able to further serve CHMS.
During the breakfast, we met the social worker at CHMS. She informed us that some of the children at CHMS have a need for uniform shirts, coats, hats, and gloves. The families of some of the children at CHMS simply do not have the resources to purchase these necessary items. It is not uncommon for children to show up on a cold morning with nothing more than a short-sleeve polo shirt on, their arms pulled inside their shirt to try and keep warm. Realize that here in our city children go without winter coats.
Will you help us serve CHMS by providing the necessities for these children in need?
Here is what is needed to support the families in need at CHMS:
- Polo Shirts - red, gray, and black
plain, no writing embroidered on them;
junior or adult sizes Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large.
- Coats, Hats, Gloves — red, gray, black, or white
plain, no writing embroidered on them
junior or adult sizes Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large.
You may also give money to this cause and we will purchase the needed items.
- Give online here
- Write a check payable to Gateway Baptist Church
In the memo line please write “Capitol Heights Outreach.”
Mark 12:30-31 says, "And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Let’s go, Gateway!
~ Seth