This past Christmas, we invited you to join us in ministering to Capitol Heights Middle School (CHMS) and you responded in a big way! Working with the CHMS faculty and administration, we learned that there is a need among CHMS students for coats, uniform shirts, hats, and gloves. We asked that you help us meet that need by donating those items and/or money so that we could purchase those items.
You gave $2150 and numerous coats, shirts, hats, and gloves! The CHMS ministry team delivered the clothing to the school and, within one week, all 20 coats we initially donated were given to students in need.
As a result, Sheri Jones diligently scoured the internet for more coats and uniform shirts and she found great deals that allowed us to purchase more of the needed items. This month, the CHMS Ministry team was able to donate 20 more coats and 80+ uniform shirts! The CHMS administration was so excited; those shirts and coats will go to immediate use helping students in need.
Additionally, the school guidance counselor reached out to me to ask if we could help a CHMS student pay for an eye exam and eye glasses. Because you so generously gave, we were able to meet that need. As it turns out, the student in need was one of the children that regularly attends our weekly Bible study! Megan and I surprised him at the optometrist’s office, he was so excited and relieved to see us. We got to meet his mother and encourage her as well.
The CHMS Ministry team has also provided breakfast for the faculty and administration at their last two in-service days. Many of you provided breakfast casseroles, donuts, juice, coffee, and, most importantly, your presence. It is so powerful for the faculty and administration to see our church members serving them and for them to know that an entire church is supporting them and praying for them. At both breakfasts, I’ve been able to encourage the entire group with the Gospel.
Through these breakfasts, the CHMS Ministry invited the faculty to ask for prayer or help in meeting a specific classroom need. One of our Sunday Bible Study groups stepped up and provided much needed art supplies for the special education teacher. She was so grateful and excited. Those art supplies will help her serve the special-needs students at CHMS.
Gateway, God is using you to minister the Gospel to CHMS. The need is great, but our God is greater! Thank you for faithfully serving. We have $920 remaining in our account and we will use that money with wisdom in order to provide the greatest impact for the Gospel at CHMS. If you feel so led, you may give to this specific ministry by clicking here. Also, please consider coming with us to CHMS. Contact Seth Rhodebeck if you are interested