This past fall we introduced The Gospel Project for Kids, a new curriculum that spans across our Kids Sunday Bible Study, Kids Club, and Kids Worship. The Gospel Project takes kids on a three year exploration of the entire Bible to see the one story of Scripture. It has been an amazing journey so far as the key truths of each story (that is part of the one big story) are reinforced on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.
To help the children even better understand God's amazing story, we have transformed the older kids hall in the gym building to now have a timeline of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation! Each lesson they will study during the three year overview has a graphic on the 30 foot giant timeline, so the children can see where what they are studying that week fits into redemptive history.
In addition, we also have added a genealogy of Christ on the opposite wall, so children can see God's perfect timing in Christ's coming.
We encourage all of you to take a look at this hallway next time you are on campus. Not only will it encourage you to see what the kids are learning, but you will grow as well as you see God's amazing redemptive story and plan presented right before your eyes! Seeing it may make you want to grab a chair and a cup of coffee to come study it for yourself during a time kids classes are not meeting!