Friday, April 19 ~ 7 PM
Join us on Good Friday evening for a reflective service of Scripture reading, prayers, songs, and communion as we think about Jesus' crucifixion. Childcare is not available for this service, but we encourage you to bring your children with you. The service will be approximately one hour.
See more details on Facebook

Sunday, April 21 ~ 6:30 AM
Location: Grace Presbyterian Church (corner of Bell Road & Atlanta Highway)
Gateway Baptist, Grace Presbyterian, and Legacy Anglican Churches are joining together for a community sunrise service on Easter Sunday morning at 6:30 a.m. It will be hosted at Grace Presbyterian Church outside (weather permitting - if it is raining it will move inside their sanctuary). A pot-luck breakfast follows. Plan to stay and enjoy a time of fellowship with friends from all three churches. Please bring a breakfast item to share.
See more details on Facebook

Sunday, April 21 ~ 10:30 AM
Join us at Gateway on Easter Sunday morning as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection through our songs, prayers, and a message from God's Word. Childcare is available through age 3. The worship service will be kid friendly with our 1st to 6th graders singing in the service. We also will have activity packets available as you arrive.
Our Bible study groups for all ages will meet as usual at 9 a.m. We hope you will come early to join us for one of these groups!
See more details on Facebook