
Gateway, the Capitol Heights Middle School (CHMS) ministry team has continued to faithfully take the Gospel to this school right here in Montgomery.  Through your prayer and financial support, God has given us the opportunity to:

  • Provide a weekly before school Bible study for 20-30 students;
  • Provide coats, hats, gloves, and uniform shirts for students;
  • Provide eyeglasses to two students whose families could not afford to do so;
  • Provide breakfast for the teachers and administrators during their days designated for professional development;
  • Provide soccer balls to the soccer team (Bruno is even helping with the soccer team!);
  • And generally bless the school through our presence, encouragement, and prayers.

Thank you for your generous support as this simply would not happen without you.

Last week, we learned of another need for some essential items for some of the most vulnerable students.  Below is the need as provided by the school's social worker:

"We are in need of khaki uniform pants for the students 
  All junior sizes are needed for the girls.. ex. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,15 or 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10
  and all sizes for the boys ex. s, m, l, xl, xxl in the mens department.

  I will also need deodorant for the girls and boys,
  sanitary napkins for the girls, and panties sizes 2, 4, 6, 8.”

Would you consider helping?  You can help by either purchasing the new items listed and bringing them to the church office, or by giving financially to the "Capitol Heights School Outreach" fund.   You can give online by clicking here, or by putting a check in the offering plate in a Sunday service (please note "Capitol Heights School Outreach" in the for line of your check).

You can also help by praying.  This week, I’m going to meet with pastors from churches close in proximity to Capital Heights Middle School to see if they might be interested in helping us minister at the school.  Pray that I would be able to clearly articulate the vision and need, and pray that the Holy Spirit would connect us with churches that want to help.  Let’s pray that the Lord would bring unity to the church of Montgomery.

Thank you for your prayers and support!
