THESE EVENTS ARE FROM 2019 - Please return to the main page for more current events.
SUMMER 2019 is just around the corner and we already have a fun-filled summer planned for your children! We want to share Gateway’s summer schedule with you...
June 24 - 28
Please include Vacation Bible School in your family’s plans! VBS will be June 24-28 from 9:00 to 12:00 each day. It is open to all kids who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade. Plan to join us for a great week filled with Bible lessons, music, snacks, recreation, and more!
On Wednesday, June 26, we will have "VBS Family Night" that includes a hotdog dinner, water slides, and fun for the whole family. There will be a program where your children will sing songs they have been learning and sharing with you more about the week.
Wednesdays Through June 19
Our Wednesday night Kid’s Club will continue to meet each week through June 19. On June 26 we will have the VBS Family Night instead.
July 31 and August 7
Kid’s Club will then take a break through the month of July. However, we have two special Wednesdays planned before it starts back....
On July 31 the whole church (including the kids!) will come together for a pizza dinner and service project at Capitol Heights Middle School. Be watching for more details on this exciting opportunity for the whole family to make a difference at this school.
On August 7 we will have a church-wide prayer time as we pray over our kids and the schools.
Kid's Club will resume with the new school year on August 14.
Sundays All Summer
Kid's Worship, which meets during the sermon part of the Sunday worship service, will continue all summer long except for June 30.
We love your children and are so excited to walk this journey of life with you!
~ Molly Moore
Children's Ministry Director