Gateway Family,
I hope our recent study on Sunday mornings of Ephesians 5:22-33 has been helpful for you. Here are some resources to help you keep growing in what we have been discussing on Sunday mornings...
If you missed any of the messages or want to review them, you can catch up on any of them here...
March 31 /// Part 1: God's purpose for marriage
"God created marriage to help us understand the relationship between Christ and His Church."
Listen to it here
April 7 /// Part 2: The husband's responsibility
"Husbands have a God given responsibility to model Christ by loving their wives through humble leadership."
Listen to it here
April 14 /// Part 3: The wife's responsibility
"Wives portray the church when they joyfully respect their husband’s Christ-like leadership."
Listen to it here
Click here to see a PDF file of the discussion questions we sent to Life Group leaders. These questions will help you reflect on each message and how we can grow in applying the truths to our lives.
In part 1, I showed a diagram of the verses, highlighting the parts about Christ to help us see the main focus of the text. Click here to view it.
In part 3 this past Sunday, I showed two diagrams of how Paul used a poetic structure to explain the role of the wife. Click here to view those two graphics.
The commands to husband and wives to serve one another cannot be lived out without humility. In our sermon four weeks ago on Ephesians 5:21, where we first saw the concept of "submission," I referenced the booklet From Pride to Humility by Stuart Scott. Understanding how each of us can find God's grace and strength to "put off" our pride and "put on" humility is essential for all relationships, including living out the principles for marriage we have been discussing.
I hope that every one of you will pick up a copy and read it. It only is 32 pages and is a quick, easy read, but with much truth for us. If we live out the principles here, it will transform so many aspects of our lives.
Copies are available on the top shelf of the Gateway Resource Center in the hallway by the church office.
One of God's grace gifts to us is biblical community. We all need one another as we pursue the Lord and pursue holiness together. If you need someone to pray for you or help you think through how to grow in your marriage (or with any issue in life), please reach out to one of our elders. We are called by God to shepherd the body here at Gateway and delight in walking alongside you in whatever you are facing.
You can see who the elders are and contact them through the web site at:
~ Pastor Grady