
Greetings Gateway Family,

We are praying for you during this difficult time of isolation and uncertainty.  We are praying that we do not allow fear to control us, but that we will trust in our God and have peace through the Holy Spirit.  Everyone is experiencing some kind of situation where fear could take hold, whether fear for our health, our jobs, or provisions for our families.  However,  we serve a loving Father who cares for us.  We can trust Him!  God is faithful and will continue to be.

Here are a few songs we hope will encourage you and remind you of our good and faithful God.  Click on each of them to hear them on You Tube, see the lyrics, and sing along!

Ever Almighty

Good Good Father

He Will Hold Me Fast

Goodness of God

The Blessing

Consider singing along with them, or even taking time with your family or friends on Sunday morning to sing them together.