UPDATE: June 1, 2020
Gateway family!
I still often think about Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 2:17, “But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face.” I so miss being with you each week in person, and am praying very soon we can be back together in person. It is looking like that time is near!
As you have seen on our previous update here, we are continuing online only services one more week. This Sunday, June 7, will be online only.
However, this Sunday will be very different as the broadcast online will be LIVE! Up until this point, we have been pre-recording services as we learn the technology to make it happen. This week we will have a full LIVE service from the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. What you see at home will be what is happening at that moment on the Gateway campus. I am really excited about this step. Be sure to join us online again this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.!
Our hope going forward is to resume in-person gatherings mid-June, while providing live streaming of the service for those who need to stay home.
We are working hard to get that in place. Next Monday, June 8, we will send you an update with the date of when that will occur and what it will be like.
Please pray for the elder team as we meet again this Sunday to finalize the reopening schedule and plans. We are seeking the Lord’s wisdom for what is best for us as a church family, and are so grateful for your prayers for us as we seek the Lord and make these plans.
A CHALLENGE: Don't Let the Coronavirus Divide Us
As we think about resuming in person gatherings, we know there are many different opinions. Churches we know and respect are approaching it very differently. It is helpful to remember that how we plan to gather again in person is a wisdom issue, and not a clear “right or wrong issue.” That is why different churches who love the Lord and love their people have such varied plans on how to gather in-person again. And that is why friends within our own church family have different views on when regathering should happen and how.
Would you take five minutes to read this helpful article from the editor of the Gospel Coalition web site?
“Church, Don't Let the Coronavirus Divide you”
I pray the wisdom found in that article will be helpful and challenging for you, as it was for me.
We are praying for you, Gateway family! Please let us know if you need anything during this season.
UPDATE: May 28, 2020
Gateway Family,
We want to provide you a brief update on our coronavirus response. As we have sought advise from trusted medical professionals, and looked at what we need to have in place to return to in-person services with live streams happening at the same time, we have extended our campus closure through June 7. That means on Sundays May 31 and June 7 we will have online only worship services.
Our great desire is to be able to resume in-person services mid-June. Know we are working diligently to have things ready for when we do gather together in person again. We will provide you with an official reopening date on Monday, June 8.
Until then, please see our previous update below on what we will continue to provide and what we hope you will do during this time.
UPDATE: May 18, 2020
Gateway Family,
We continue to pray for you during these challenging days as the coronavirus trial lingers. We know these are difficult days for many of you, and the separation from one another makes it even harder. We feel the longing to meet together as a church family. Paul’s words to various churches when he says “I long to see you” are more real to me than ever before. I love how he phrased it in 1 Thessalonians 2:17, “But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face.”
We are working toward the time we all can gather face to face on the Gateway campus. As you already heard, Gateway’s elders have spent much time the past week praying, discussing, and seeking counsel from Christian medical professionals about how we can gather again. We have learned much from these medical friends about the rapid increase in Covid-19 cases in our city, and situations that increase exposure and risk. Unfortunately, corporate worship gatherings are still a place of very high risk. The number of people together in a small space for a prolonged period, and particularly singing together, greatly increases transmission risk.
As much as it saddens us to need to do so, we believe it is the wise course for our church family to continue with online only worship services May 24 and May 31. In addition, during these next two weeks, there will be no other activities on the church campus.
So when will we reopen?
That is a great question. However, we do not know the future. Many in the medical community expect to see a drop in Covid-19 cases and risk as we get into June. Our hope, then, would be to return to in-person worship services early to mid June. At this point, though, we do not have enough information to give you a definite date. We will have an update for you regarding a reopening date and plans on Monday, June 1. Please be praying for the leadership teams as we work on these details over the next two weeks.
Pursue Connecting With One Another:
In the meantime, can we encourage you intentionally to pursue connecting with one another? Here are three practical suggestions:
- Join a Zoom small group.
Many of Gateway’s small groups (life groups, mid-week Bible studies, Sunday morning groups) continue to meet regularly online via Zoom. Later this week we will send you a list of all the Zoom group meetings and times. These next two weeks would be a great opportunity to connect with a small group!
- Consider having your small group or group of friends meet together in person outside!
Covid-19 risk is low in outside settings with social distancing. Consider getting together for fellowship and prayer on someone’s porch or yard, or even in the courtyard between the buildings at the Gateway campus.
- Meet with one another in person!
I am so encouraged to hear of the dinner meetings, walks, prayer times on porches, and the many other creative ways you as a church family are getting together. Please don’t wait for someone to reach out to you. Initiate reaching out to invite someone to come sit on your porch, to meet you for a meal outside, or get together in some other way that you both feel safe doing. Contact information for one another is in the Gateway Connect member directory.
If you have needs, please let us know:
- If you have any financial needs or difficulties, please let us know. Your church family wants to help.
- If you feel burdened, overwhelmed, or lonely during this season and would like someone from leadership to come talk and pray with you outside your house, please let us know.
Email us at or contact any staff member, elder, or deacon if you need assistance. In addition, all leaders' contact information is available in the church directory.
Know we love you, are praying for you, and longing for all of us to be back together again soon! If you have any questions about these plans, please let us know.
Thank you, Gateway family, for your grace-given steadfastness during this tough season!
~ Pastor Grady