
We are excited to resume our mid-week ladies Bible study group!  This fall we will study Priscilla Shirer's Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted.  This is a compelling study that God can use to bring revival to our hearts during this time of division and fear in this world.  Click here to learn more about this study!  Trish Butterfield will be facilitating this study.

We are providing both an in-person group and a Zoom online group each week for this study!

ZOOM:  Mondays, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Beginning September 14

IN PERSON:  Wednesday, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Meet at the Gateway Campus
Beginning September 9

FOR THE IN-PERSON GROUP: Initially there will be no childcare available.  However, the youth group will be meeting on campus at the same time.  Once the full Wednesday evening schedule resumes at a later date, childcare for all ages will be available.

To register or if you have questions, please contact Trish Butterfield.  We hope you will join us for this exciting new study!