
What:      2020 Capitol Heights Middle School campus cleanup
When:     Saturday, September 19 ~ 9:00 am
Where:    Capitol Heights Middle School ~ 116 Federal Drive, Montgomery
RSVP:      Seth Rhodebeck at seth.rhodebeck@gmail.com

On Saturday, September 19, 2020, beginning at 9 a.m. we will have a serve day at Capitol Heights Middle School (CHMS) to cleanup the campus in preparation for the students' return to in-person school in October.  Please come join us!  

We did this last year and it was an amazing time of fellowship and service.  Preparing the campus really helped in building relationship and trust with the administration. 

This year, we are going to pray over the campus, put out new pine straw, pick up litter, trim bushes and trees, weed eat, and more.  It should be a great time of prayer and fellowship with the school administration and with one another.

We also are going to invite the CHMS families we have been providing food to in an effort to build stronger relationships with them.  So even if you aren't able to do physical labor, come join us for prayer and fellowship.

Bring scriptures to pray over the school, work gloves, and any lawn/garden tools that may be helpful.

A light breakfast will be provided when you arrive.

Please contact Seth Rhodebeck if you plan to attend so that we can have plenty of food for everyone!