
Gateway Family,

As we watch the heart-breaking news of what is happening in Ukraine, it can be hard to know how to pray for this situation.  We want to provide you some resources to help you as you intercede for the people there.

First, though, I want to remind us of the reality of brothers and sisters in Christ there, and the steadfast faith of many of them.  I hope you will take 30 seconds to watch this clip of a Ukranian family singing in their language the song we have sung at Gateway, "He will hold me fast."

Click here to load the video in a new window.

If you want a reminder of the English lyrics of what they are singing, click here.

So how should we pray for this situation and for believers there?  The International Mission Board and North American Mission Boards (which we support) have put together a prayer guide to help us. 

Click here to open the Ukraine Prayer Guide

In addition, there is a seminary in Ukraine that is posting daily updates of the situation.  Click here for video updates from the president of Ukraine Baptist Theological seminary.

I hope these will be helpful tools as you pray for the situation there. 

~ Pastor Grady