
As we enter the late summer and the fall when many new individuals and families visit Gateway, we are expanding our greeting team.  In addition to the current greeters who say hello and open the door for you on Sunday mornings, we are adding greeters inside the sanctuary prior to the worship service to help people feel welcomed and find available seats.  We are seeking new volunteers to join the current team and serve about one Sunday per month. This is a great opportunity to get plugged into this ministry and show hospitality.

Gateway members Kevin and Amylynne Blake are heading up the greeting ministry with assistance from Mike Presley, one of Gateway's deacons.  To kick off this expanded ministry, we are planning a fellowship and interest meeting on Sunday, July 24, at 4:30 p.m. for dessert, to get to know one another, and to help you have an understanding of what the needs and expectations are to serve in this ministry.

If you would like to be a part of the greeting team and attend the meeting on July 24, please email Amylynne Blake or Mike Presley.