
Ladies of Gateway,

August is here! We are wanting to launch ladies' discipleship groups after Labor Day and let them run through April. This will give you 8 months to get to know a few other ladies and dig deeper into loving the Lord and walking through life together. You will then have the chance to end your commitment or continue.

You are encouraged to listen to this Gospel Coalition podcast if you want a better idea of why a discipleship group may be right for you this season.

By committing to a discipleship group, you can expect to meet in person for a few hours twice a month and communicate (by text, phone, or email) at least once a week. Our hope is to keep these groups to 3 or 4 women. This means we need women who are willing to facilitate as well as women who want to participate. To "facilitate" simply means you feel spiritually mature enough to listen and walk alongside other sisters in Christ. You are also willing to initiate reaching out and establishing a time and location that works for your group. The facilitator may not be the oldest person in the group! A participant is someone who is also willing to communicate and commit to the aforementioned expectations.

The focus, style, and rigor of your group will largely be determined by your facilitator. Though we are suggesting some books you could go through together, these are only suggestions:

One to One Bible Reading by David Helm
Growing Together by Melissa B Kruger

To help us connect you with a discipleship group, please follow the link below

*** Click here to register your interest in a group ***

Please answer those questions as thoroughly as possible. We may not be able to match everyone perfectly, but we are going to prayerfully attempt to get everyone who is interested into a group.

Please pray and respond by Friday, August 26
. Thank you!

~ Mandy Moody