
There is an exciting opportunity coming up for fellowship for the young men in the Gateway Youth Group.  On Friday, November 18, the youth guys (grades 7-12) will have a lock-in at the Gateway campus!  There will be a time of praise on Friday night.  Pizza and snacks will be provided throughout the night, along with a doughnut breakfast on Saturday morning.  There will be a series of games, minute-to-win-it competitions, and movies throughout the night. 

Even if the youth guys plan on staying up all night, they still need to bring a pillow and whatever else they need for a good night's sleep (sleeping bag, inflatable mattress, blanket, change of clothes, etc.).

This weekend will be an opportunity for the guys to worship God together, deepen friendships, and enjoy doing some fun activities together.

Drop-off will be at 7:00 p.m. on Friday night at the church gymnasium and pick-up will be at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.  For more details, please contact Brannon Jones or the church office.