Join us at Gateway on Christmas morning as together we worship the One who the Christmas season is all about! What better Sunday to gather for a worship service than Christmas Day, the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior as Immanuel, God with us.
We will meet together at 10:30 a.m. on Christmas morning for a one-hour service of singing praises to God, praying, and studying what the Scriptures show us about what we celebrate.
Childcare is available for birth to age 3. Older children will join us for the service, and activity packs will be available for them as you arrive.
Why meet again on Christmas morning? Pastor and author Kevin DeYoung challenges us well on this topic. Here are three reasons he gives in encouraging us to still gather on Christmas Day morning:
1 - "Family is a gift, not a god. I love, love, love waking up on Christmas, doing the Advent wreath with the kids, having a big brunch, and opening presents with the family. Yes, it will be hectic to get everyone out of the house for church.... Yes, it will mean a delay in all the normal festivities. But maybe the normal festivities should not be deemed more important than the Festival itself. I want my family to know that we rearrange our schedule for corporate worship; we don’t expect corporate worship to be rearranged for us."
2 - "It’s Christmas for crying out loud! It’s the day we celebrate the incarnation, the birth of the Messiah, the entrance into our world of the second Person of Trinity. Don’t we want to sing? Don’t we want to celebrate? Don’t we want to preach and praise and pray?"
3 - "It’s Sunday for crying out louder! I don’t have a problem with Advent and Christmas. In fact, I love this time of year. I’m not a huge church calendar guy, but I’m not bothered by focusing on the incarnation once every twelve months, especially when the world around us may, by God’s kindness, be tuned in to some of the same spiritual realities at the same time. But I’m enough of a Puritan to think that December 25 is Sunday before it’s Christmas. It’s the Lord’s Day. It’s a resurrection morning. It’s the day on which Christians have gathered for 2,000 years to sing the Bible, preach the Bible, pray the Bible, and see the Bible in the sacraments. It’s the day of the week given for rest and worship. Why would we cancel church on Sunday just because that Sunday is extra-special?"
If you are in town in Montgomery this Christmas Sunday, we hope you will join us as we celebrate Christ together!
Please note - For this special Sunday, there are no Sunday Bible study groups, Kids Worship during the sermon, or afternoon activities on campus. We only will have the worship service at 10:30 a.m.