
When God created man and woman, He placed them in a garden and gave them the charge of taking dominion and stewarding all that He had given them.  Later, we see the Proverbs 31 woman as an example of how it looks for a woman to do just that: care for her home and her family through the work of her hands.  Yet, homemaking, and all that it entails, has become a lost art.  There are many reasons for this, yet one is the lack of knowledge when it comes to so many of the skills that even a few generations ago would have considered common knowledge.  We no longer know how to work with our hands to cultivate home and nourish our families the way we once did.

As believers, we already have everything we need in God’s Word to be equipped spiritually for this calling.  But because the practical how-to of the job varies greatly from century to century and culture to culture, God has given us another means of equipping, namely the local body of believers - the church!  We have the tremendous blessing of living life alongside one another.  While we already have many avenues of encouraging and equipping one another to follow Jesus, we would like to provide you an additional opportunity to now learn these once-common skills in an environment of encouragement and connection.

The Homemakers’ Workshop will be held on the second Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. until noon.  It will provide the women of Gateway with an opportunity to grow in skills such as gardening, raising chickens, canning, composting, thrifting, bread-making, and so much more.  At each session there will be a time of instruction followed by time for questions and answers.  Those who are knowledgeable in that month’s topic are encouraged to come and share their best tips with everyone, while those who maybe have never attempted the skill or who are not yet confident in it can simply come, take notes, and enjoy learning something new.

Our prayer is that the women of Gateway would continue to grow in being women of excellence for the glory of God, and that we would take up the mantle of cultivating homes that are earthly outposts of a heavenly kingdom.  We pray that what will take place one Saturday a month will be something the Lord uses to grow us in our calling to productively build our homes, nourish our families, and love our neighbors. 

Our first workshop is Saturday, March 11, at 9:00 a.m. on the topic of gardening!

There is no need to register, just join us in the gym on Saturday morning!  Bring a notebook and pen.  Please note that childcare is not available for this event.  Your teenage daughters are welcome to attend with you.

If you have any questions, please email Nikki Falcione or Alana Taylor.

Please join us this Saturday!  We would love to have you!