
We hope that you saw the Lord work this summer! As we look to the fall semester, we want to remind you about the opportunity for small group discipleship.

We encourage anyone who is already meeting in groups to please keep meeting! We realize that every woman’s needs, and every season of life, is different. No one can do all the things, and these groups are just one of many opportunities to connect with the body of Christ here at Gateway.

Whether you participated last year or not, if you are interested in meeting in a new group this fall, we would like to hear from you. We are willing to help new groups form, and we need your help! Please contact us (see below) if you would like to meet with someone this fall.

Our approach for forming groups this year is to let women sign-up based on schedule and topic of interest, and to meet from September to May. There are a variety of ways women can gather, and we would love to support you in finding a group that fits your schedule and needs.

Please pray and consider if the Lord would lead you to make new and deeper connections this school year through a Gateway discipleship group. Small group discipleship may not be the right fit for this season, and that is the beauty of God working in a multitude of ways and times to transform us into the likeness of Christ. Our prayer is that you will not sign up for everything, but if you think this may be a good fit for you to please let us know by August 21.

We trust the Lord continues to work in each of you!  It is our prayer "that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11)

To learn more or sign-up:
Please contact Mandy Moody or Alycia Jeong, or reach out to the church office.