
Every year, we have an opportunity to serve some of the most marginalized families in our city by praying over and cleaning up the campus of Capitol Heights Middle School (CHMS).  This school is full of kids stuck in the negative cycle of poverty with little hope.  In these kids’ lives, crime, drugs, and violence are ways of life that are accepted as normal.  Not only are the kids without hope, the teachers and administrators also struggle to maintain hope in such a spiritually dark environment.

You can make a difference in their lives!  You can help us bring the light of the gospel to Capitol Heights!

On Saturday, August 3 at 9:00 a.m., Gateway is going to take the love of Christ to this school campus.  We will gather at the school to do some basic tasks such as putting out pine straw, weed-eating the weeds, picking up trash, and taking care of any other projects the school would like us to do.  We also will have teams to walk the campus and the school building to pray and cry out for God’s mercy and revival.  Even if you are not able to do the manual labor parts, please come join us to pray over the school 

Though these projects may seem small, they will make a huge impact on the CHMS community.  It is a unique opportunity our church has each year to minister the Gospel to the lost.  Seth and Megan Rhodebeck are getting ready to begin their 14th year of ministry at this school.  This annual service project is so important because it demonstrates to the CHMS community that our church cares for, loves, and is praying for them.  It opens doors for the Gospel to be shared all year long through their ministry there.

In addition, the best donuts in Montgomery will be provided when you arrive! 

There is no need to register.  Just come serve and come make Jesus Christ known through your action. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Seth at seth.rhodebeck@gmail.com.