
Are you looking for a place to serve in our church as we enter the fall season?   We have three immediate needs of which we want to make you aware.  All three of these opportunities are on Sunday mornings...


Gateway's greeting ministry has a need for a few additional volunteers.  This ministry seeks to provide a welcoming environment on Sunday mornings for our members and guests.  These are great areas to serve especially if you already are not volunteering in another area.  This is an important role that especially helps visitors to our church feel welcomed.

Volunteers typically serve one Sunday per month from 8:45 a.m. until 9:15 a.m. for the Bible study hour and then from 10:15 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. for the worship service.  If you are interested in serving as a greeter, please contact contact Kevin and Amylynne Blake.


Serve on Sunday mornings to open and prepare the buildings for our Sunday morning Bible study classes and the worship service. Responsibilities include opening and unlocking doors, turning on lights, placing guest parking signs in the parking lot, and ensuring that rooms are set up properly.  A checklist and training are provided.  This is a great opportunity for families (yes, your kids can join you in serving in this way) or even a pair of friends to serve together.

Volunteers typically serve one Sunday per month and must begin at 7:45 a.m.  Duties are typically completed within 30 minutes.  If you are interested in serving in this area, please contact Mike Presley.


Each Sunday morning during the sermon, the 1st to 4th grade kids have an opportunity to attend "Kids Worship."  During this time, they review key truths from The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum we use across all the kids ministry classes and have fun activities together.  Training and resources are provided for volunteers.

Volunteers typically serve once every five weeks.  Please note - All prospective volunteers for this area must go through Gateway's screening process for working with minors before being allowed to serve.  If you are interested in serving in this area, please contact Molly Moore.