Gateway family, I hope you had a great week! I am so excited about our new study on Sunday mornings of the book of Ephesians! Here are some tools to help you get started with our study of the book...
INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF EPHESIANS Last Sunday we did an overview of the book including some fascinating insight into Ephesus, including ways the city was much like where we are today. Understanding the context of who wrote the book and why will greatly enhance our study of this letter in the months to come. If you missed it, let me encourage you to listen to it here.
Also, if you would like to see the questions of life application from it that our Life Groups thought about this week, click here for the discussion guide. If you are not in a Life Group, I hope seeing what type of things they discuss and pray about will encourage you to join a group today! HOW TO UNDERSTAND "EPISTLES" Ephesians is an "epistle" (letter). Each genre of Scripture has different principles that guide how we interpret it. Last winter when we did a Wednesday night teaching on "How to Understand the Bible," we spent a week on how to understand the epistles. If you missed that teaching or want a refresher, you can listen to it online as well. The principles I discuss there will be what guides how we approach our study of this book.
EPHESIANS "SCRIPTURE JOURNAL" BOOKLETS Last Sunday we provided a free resource of Ephesians "Scripture Journals." You guys were so eager for them, we quickly ran out! If you did not get one last Sunday, 100 more arrived today and we will have them available for you on Sunday in the resource center, gym building foyer, and table at the back of the sanctuary. If you want to learn more about how you can use this copy of Ephesians with blank spaces for notes, click here and scroll down to the video and description of it on that page.
FINALLY - HOMEWORK! Remember, I gave us all a homework assignment this week :-) There are two things I really hope each of you will do before Sunday...
- Read the entire book of Ephesians! It will help to see the "big picture" of it. It is only 6 chapters and about 2500 words.
- Pray Ephesians 1:16-23 for yourself, your family, and others you know.
I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday morning, Lord willing, as we continue with Ephesians 1:3-6.
Don't forget, there is a great opportunity to come together at 8 a.m. in the gym building, room 1, for a time of prayer together. I hope you will consider joining me for it!
Blessings, Grady