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Tuesday Evenings ~ Beginning September 11

We are excited to once again offer a Precept Bible Study for the ladies of Gateway!   This year it will be structured differently from previous years, so see below for more details about this exciting opportunity...

THE PRECEPTS STUDY ~ Our study this fall will be an in-depth look at the Book of Acts in the Bible.  It is a book written by Luke about the apostles and the first century church and how they lived for Christ in obedience to God.  Our study will focus on the inductive method of searching out God's Word.  We observe, interpret and apply Scriptures as the Holy Spirit teaches us week by week.  The study requires weekly homework of approximately 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

COMMUNITY TIME ~  This is our tenth year of study and we have bonded as women, grown in our faith and have personal examples of how God is changing us as we apply and pass on God's holy truths.  We have decided this year to approach the study a little differently.  We will now take two weeks per lesson in order to have more time for sharing, unpacking the lessons, worship, and prayer.  

The group will be led by Cecelia Teal and Cheryl Brake.

It will be held on Tuesday nights in homes from 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Childcare is not available for this study.

Please know you are most welcome to join!  Contact the church office to let us know if you plan to participate so we can have your book ready for you on September 11.