Youth Header

Gateway's Youth Ministry is designed to engage students in grades 7-12 with the life changing message of the Gospel.  Through Bible studies, life groups, service projects, and fellowships, the youth of Gateway are given opportunities to grow in having a dynamic relationship with Jesus and to be equipped to make a difference with their lives wherever they are. 

CJ Falcione, our associate pastor, is joined by a team of adults from Gateway who love students and invest in their lives. Through community with these adults leaders and with one another, the youth of Gateway are challenged to grow in their knowledge of God and to glorify God with their lives.


Sunday Bible Study ~ 9 a.m.  

On Sunday mornings, Gateway's youth have a Bible study time together in the youth rooms.  In recent years we have focused on the "what" and "why" of our faith, as well as a study of the Sermon on the Mount.  Currently, we are studying Creation and the Covenant from The Gospel Project for Teens.

Wednesday Evenings ~ 6 p.m.

On Wednesday nights, the youth gather for a fun activity, eat pizza, study the Bible together, and meet as small groups.  Join us each week as we look deeply into God's Word together.  The study for the fall semester is spiritual disciplines for the Christian life.


  • Disciple Now Weekend
  • Summer Youth Camp
  • Service Projects in the Community
  • Fellowships and Outings

Youth News

Youth Hockey Outing

Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a fellowship time together as we head to Columbus, Georgia, to watch a Columbus River Dragons Hockey game. Click above to learn more or register...

D-Now Weekend for Youth

Our annual "Disciple Now" weekend for youth in grades 7-12 is February 28 to March 1. Click above to learn more about this retreat and how your youth can be involved....

Youth Day Hike

Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a day hike and picnic lunch along Lake Martin on Saturday, February 1. Click above to learn more or register....